4. Conference Manual and Program
Presentation Guidelines
1. Paper Presentation
All present of Refereed Sessions will have 15 (4-paper session)-20 (3-paper session) minutes for presentation. And please…
- Please be aware of time constraints. It is VERY important to be within the timeframe so other presenters in your session have adequate time for their presentations.
- Please honor the order of presentation, so attendees can plan ahead to go to other concurrent sessions.
- Each session has a 10 minute open floor discussion.
Presiders of Refereed Session will introduce each presenter of the session and lead the discussion. And please…
- Please make sure each presenter will have adequate time, meaning cut the presentation that is extended over 15 or 20 minutes.
- Please honor the order of presentation.
- Please lead the discussion. If you like to, you can give a full review of papers, but it’s totally up to you.
Organizers of Panel Sessions and Business Meeting need to plan the presentation of each presenter within the given time framework. Please be aware of your allotted time. This year, there are a 60-minute Country/Region Report Session and a 30-minute Business Meeting, respectively.
2. Poster Presentation
Each poster presentation will have a space with size of 90cm×120cm (like this shape ). And please…
- Please prepare your work and show it on the space no later than 16:30 on July 12, 2018.
- Each poster needs at least one presenter to interpret findings.
- Please finish your poster presentation and clean up your poster space by 18:10 on July 12, 2018..
Please Download the Tentative Conference Program (changed and need to be updated!)